Travel in Tanzania to Serengeti National Park and Seronera
23 August 2013
For the trip from Ngorongoro to Serengeti, our guide has chosen an alternative route outside the common tourist routes, which allows a better appreciation of the landscape present between the two destinations and offers the opportunity to meet many animals. A simple 4x4 transfer becomes a real mini-safari through places of pristine beauty.
Our safari in Tanzania continues with a transfer of a few hours from Ngorongoro to Seronera, in the heart of the Serengeti National Park.
The plains around the crater of Ngorongoro witness the intense volcanic activity occurred in the past: the soil in fact consists predominantly of very dark pozzolan.
Later, the landscape is dominated by savannah consisting of grasses (this is the dry season) and low acacia bushes which, on their thorny branches, there are colonies of ants who find shelters in the woody structures pictured right. This is a real symbiosis between ants and acacia because ants find a shelter from predators due to the presence of the thorns on the branches, while the plant receives in exchange protection from insects and herbivores due to the irritant fluids released by ants.
Pictures of giraffes. The giraffes inhabit the numerous low hills on the edge of Serengeti National Park.
Giraffe photos. The giraffe is an animal particularly photogenic, perfectly integrated into its surroundings.
A group of ostriches runs in the savannah.
Savannah photos. Moving further west into Tanzania, the plains dominated by dark-colored volcanic earth are gradually replaced by a savannah characterized by the presence of herbs which, at this time of year, are almost completely dry. In the left image, an acacia which hosts numerous nests of weaver birds at the ends of branches. The weaver bird nests in those positions to prevent the monkeys stealing the eggs.
In the savanna are rather frequent whirlwind raising large amounts of dust.
A group of elephants, including a female with her cub, crosses the street just in front of our jeep.
In the distance we see a male ostrich courting a female through a rather elaborate dance that lasts a few minutes.
The herbivores graze on the boundless expanses of the Serengeti, dominated by a savannah characterized by the presence of a dense turf. On the left, a picture of Topi antelope, which can weigh over three hundred kilos. In the picture to the right, in the foreground, an impala.
Jackal photo. We meet a nice jackal who grazes peacefully in search of food.
Dik-dik photos. Throughout the safari in Tanzania, and thus also in central Serengeti, we meet numerous dik-dik, the world's smallest antelope similar in size to a small dog.
The African savannahs are home to many snakes, and where there are snakes there are the nimble mongoose that make these reptiles their favorite dish.
Large crocodiles inhabit the ponds in the savannah, where they find food easily represented by animals who go to these places to drink.
Tanzania is a paradise for ornithologists, as it hosts a wide variety of birds, some characterized by a beautiful bright plumage. In these pictures we can see a couple of Merops oreobates, commonly called in English Cinnamon-chested bee eater.
Photo of a "Lilac-breasted Roller" (scientific name Coracias caudatus) bird common among the African savannahs.
This cute little bird, with beautiful colors and livery, is known in English as "Superb Starling" (the scientific name is Lamprotornis superbus) and will accompany us during the entire trip in Tanzania.
Marabou photos. The African marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumenifer) is a large bird looking not so pleasant, which can reach half a meter in height and a weight of 9 kilos. Analogously to vulture, they are scavengers, as they feeds mainly on dead animals.
A family of elephants grazing around a jeep full of tourists.
Photos of Agama lizard. We observe numerous lizards of the genus Agama. These reptiles are quite common in the African continent and some species, such as the one shown in these photos, are characterized by an intense colouration.
The most characteristic trees that can be found in the savanna are the acacia (pictured left) and the sausage tree (pictured right), so named because of the elongated shape of the fruits, favorite food of baboons.
Photos of Seronera Wildlife Lodge. At Seronera, in the heart of the Serengeti, we stay at Seronera Wildlife Lodge, a resort located in a panoramic position with beautiful views over the savannah below.