Greenland aerial pictures from Copenhagen to Ilulissat via Kangerlussuaq flight

June 29th and July 4th 2011 

A flight over Greenland during a beautiful sunny day offers spectacular views of both the ice cap and the deep fjords that run through the west coast. This page collects some Greenland aerial photos taken directly from Air Greenland flights.

Icecap Flying over Greenland
Greenland from air

An Air Greenland flight from Kangerlussuaq to Ilulissat flies over the west coast of Greenland, offering breathtaking views of the Greenland ice cap and glaciers that flow into the Arctic Ocean.
Greenland aerial picture Aerial Greenland
Glaciers ending into frozen lakes, seen from Kangerlussuaq to Ilulissat flight.
Greenland from air
Shortly before landing at Ilulissat (and thus shortly after takeoff from the same airport) a spectacular view Kangia opens, showing thousands of icebergs released by the northern emisphere's most powerful glacier.
Ilulissat from air
Photo of Ilulissat from air. The Kangia icefiord, full of ice, is just behind the town.
Aerial Greenland photos. Lakes of different colors, depending on the mineral salts dissolved in water.
Icecap from air
Aerial ice cap photos. The Norsaq aircraft (Air Greenland A330-200 from Kangerlussuaq to Copenhagen) flies over the ice cap and, during the summer, a series of picturesque blue lakes formed by melting snow, can be easily observed.
Dash 8-200 Air Greenland Dash 7 Air Greenland
On the left picture, an Air Greenland Dash 8. On the right picture, a 4 engine Dash 7.
Cockpit door
Goodbye Greenland.

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